Saturday, November 6, 2010

Good Night's Rest??

Going back to my younger years, I could toss and turn in a bed as good as anyone. Many mornings I woke up on the floor because Melanie would shove me off. Evidently she didn't appreciate having my feet in her back. Our move to Boise afforded me my own bedroom with a single bed. It was here that I learned to sleep peacefully without moving. Many mornings now, I just slip out of bed with the covers hardly ruffled. I thought I had been cured of my restless sleeping, until this last summer.

Seeing as my phone is my alarm clock, it rests on the table next to my bed. However, when there is no table or I check the time in the middle of the night, it ends up on the bed with me. It happens many times that I wake up in the morning, check the recent calls in my phone and see that I have called such numbers such as *432050832 or 520344. Rarely does anyone answer when I call. Thus, I decided to try calling real people. Fortunately, it has always been close friends who understand that I can be a bit quirky at times. This last week, however, it went too far. I woke up at 4:53 to my phone reading "Dialing Kara Martin..." Kara is a great girl, but only a class friend. She may not appreciate my subconscious thinking of her at such an early hour. As quickly as I could, I ended the call...cutting it off at a mere six seconds. Of course, when I told Kara about the incident the next day, she laughed with me. But I realized I need to tame my sleeping habits before I become much more talented. It has happened once that I have texted someone in my sleep. Once again, it fortunately was a good friend and only said something to the effect of "s820zd830". My next endeavor will be to train myself to stick simply to sleep talking. However, it would be nice if I could get other things accomplished in my sleep, such as my homework, showering, and getting ready. We will see what we can do...